RESTful API documentation

ownpaste provides a neat RESTful API, that can returns HTML and JSON on demand, as required by the client, and that can receive JSON data from the client as well.

The returned content (application/json or text/html) is controlled by the Accept: HTTP header.

Our current API version is 1.

This section of the documentation will explain the API endpoints and methods.

The tables with returned/received objects are related to the JSON API and usually (but not always) to the variables that can be used by Jinja templates.

The tables with query string parameters are related to any API format.

All the methods and endpoints will be able to return a JSON object, some of them can return HTML, and some of them can receive a JSON object in the body of the request.

Some methods will require digest authentication. Use the credetials created during the server setup phase.

Base JSON response object

All the methods, when returning JSON data, will have a common base format:

Key Type Description
status String Status of the request. ok or fail

If status is equals to fail another key will be added:

Key Type Description
error String Description of the error that happened

/ endpoint

This endpoint returns some basic information about the ownpaste instance.


This method returns HTML or JSON.

Returned object:

Key Type Description
version String ownpaste version
api_version String API version
language Object Languages available on the ownpaste instance. Keys are the language aliases and values are the language names

/paste/ endpoint

This endpoint deals with the pastes itself, being able to list, add, delete, change, etc.

GET /paste/

This method returns HTML or JSON. It lists the pastes available (public or public+private) with pagination.

Query string parameters:

Key Type Description
page Integer Page index for pagination. Defaults to 1
private Integer If 1 will list private pastes as well. Requires authentication

Returned object:

Key Type Description
page Integer Current page, for pagination
pages Integer Total number of pages, for pagination
per_page Integer Number of pastes per page, for pagination
total Integer Total number of pastes in the database
pastes List List of objects with specific data of each paste

The pastes list will have objects with the following format:

Key Type Description
paste_id Integer Numeric unique ID of the paste
language String Language alias of the paste language
file_name String File name of the paste, or None
pub_timestamp Integer UTC Unix timestamp of the creation date
private Boolean Paste is private?
private_id String If paste is private, the paste unique ID, otherwise None
file_content_preview String First 5 lines of the paste file content

GET /paste/<paste_id>/

This method returns HTML or JSON. It returns details of a paste, by the paste public or private ID. It will requires authentication if you want to retrieve data of a private post using the public (numeric) ID.

Returned object:

Key Type Description
paste_id Integer Numeric unique ID of the paste
language String Language alias of the paste language
file_name String File name of the paste, or None
pub_timestamp Integer UTC Unix timestamp of the creation date
private Boolean Paste is private?
private_id String If paste is private, the paste unique ID, otherwise None
file_content String The full paste file content

POST /paste/

This method just returns JSON. It will add a new paste to the database. It requires authentication.

Received object:

Key Type Description
language String Language alias of the paste language. Optional, language will be guessed if not provided or None
file_name String File name of the paste. Optional, defaults to None
private Boolean Paste is private? Optional, defaults to False
file_content String The full paste file content

Returned object:

Key Type Description
paste_id Integer Numeric unique ID of the paste
language String Language alias of the paste language
file_name String File name of the paste, or None
pub_timestamp Integer UTC Unix timestamp of the creation date
private Boolean Paste is private?
private_id String If paste is private, the paste unique ID, otherwise None
file_content_preview String First 5 lines of the paste file content

PATCH /paste/<paste_id>/

This method just returns JSON. It will change an existing paste. It requires authentication.

Received object (all parameters are optional, and will be changed if provided):

Key Type Description
language String Language alias of the paste language
file_name String File name of the paste
private Boolean Paste is private?
file_content String The full paste file content

Returned object:

Key Type Description
paste_id Integer Numeric unique ID of the paste
language String Language alias of the paste language
file_name String File name of the paste, or None
pub_timestamp Integer UTC Unix timestamp of the creation date
private Boolean Paste is private?
private_id String If paste is private, the paste unique ID, otherwise None
file_content_preview String First 5 lines of the paste file content

DELETE /paste/<paste_id>/

This method just returns JSON. It will remove a paste from the database.

Use the status key from the base JSON object to know if the delete request was successful.

Project Versions

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